The State of Illinois provides several protections for those who are being faced with unwanted contact from another person. If another person is contacting you in an inappropriate manner or you fear for the safety of yourself or your family members, it is important to act quickly to protect yourself and assert your rights under the law. Two of the most common methods for eliminating inappropriate contact are Orders of Protection, and Stalking No Contact Orders. These orders provide similar protections, but fall under different areas of the law.
Restraining Order Options
Order of Protection
The State of Illinois offers three types of Orders of Protection; each of these are governed by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act. An emergency order is issued by the court based on your testimony alone, and is designed to protect you on a short-term basis. This order is typically good for 14 to 21 days, and can be obtained even when the courts are closed. An interim order is similar and is good for up to 30 days. The difference between these two types of orders is that the abuser is not notified in advance of an emergency order being issued. The third type of order is a plenary order; this order of protection can last for up to two years, and is issued after both you and the other party have appeared in court to present evidence. All of these orders provide several remedies. The judge in your case can prohibit the other party from contacting you or being anywhere near you or your family. Certain family members, your pets and property can also be covered by these orders.
Stalking No Contact Order
A Stalking No Contact Order is issued when an Order of Protection is not appropriate for the circumstances, and the situation is not classified under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act. This order prohibits the other party from contacting you and from being present at locations that you frequent. It also prevents your stalker from possessing a FOID (Firearms Owner Identification) Card, which in turn prohibits them from owning, possessing or using a firearm in the State of Illinois or anywhere outside the state.
If you live in the greater Bloomington-Normal area or the surrounding Central Illinois counties and are receiving unwanted contact from another party, there is help available to you. Contact Allison & Mosby-Scott today for an appointment for a consultation. A member of the legal team will go over the details of your case with you and make recommendations on how best to proceed. An attorney will file the necessary paperwork for protection orders for you, and attend court hearings as necessary. You don’t have to deal with unwanted contact attempts, or live in fear. Contact Allison & Mosby-Scott, Illinois Restraining Order Attorneys today.