This is a serious offense. Should you or someone you know be affected by this type of criminal activity please contact our office right away.
Below are a few practical tips you can apply to protect yourself against cyber stalking
• When engaging in online dating sites, do not divulge your last name or phone number until after you have met in person.
• Do not share passwords with others, even if you are in a relationship.
• Change your passwords on a regular basis.
• Only accept friend requests from people whom you have met in person.
• Don’t respond to a private message on any social media platform if you do not know the sender.
• Set your security settings on Facebook, to limit the ability of people other than friends to post on your wall.
• Block anyone who exhibits suspicious behavior on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
• Don’t share specific details about your whereabouts or unnecessary identifiable information about yourself on any social media platforms.
• Ask others not to post personal pictures of you online.
• Don’t delay, report Cyber Stalking as soon as it becomes a problem.
• Hire an investigator or attorney to help you if you become a victim.